What is OLED Technology – and how will it make my display brighter?


OLED, or Organic LED, is a screen technology that's recently been introduced in the marine industry.


It's a term that you may previously have heard mentioned when it comes to comparing LCD TV screens. Now the benefits for use in a marine setting have been realised as well.


Organic LEDs are typically used in display screens. What makes OLED special is the fact that OLED Pixels produce their own light, where LEDs use a backlight to illuminate their Pixels.


OLED Pixels are much tinier, and more flexible than that of an LED. The light of an OLED display can be controlled for each pixel, whereas you can't for a LED display.


Where LED uses rows of individual bulbs, OLED uses a series of thin light strips – which allows the OLEDs to emit a brighter light, while using a lot less energy.


Blue Sea has brought out a Range of M2 OLED Digital Monitors which utilise this technology in their display screens.


The result is an easier to read, brighter display for when you're out on the water.


The Range of Blue Sea M2 OLED Digital Monitors provide all sorts of important information about what's going on around your Boat – from monitoring the performance of your battery in terms of Current, Voltage, Frequency and amperage, to also measuring tank performance and monitoring your temperature sensors.


The M2 Monitors also include a MOSFET External Circuit Relay which can be used to control external circuits based on any value measured by the M2.


For more information, get in touch with us at CH Smith Marine in-store, online or by (03) 9403 4800.

BS-1830B State of Charge Monitor
BS-1839 Tank Monitor
BS-1841 Temperature Monitor