TripIntel upgrade for Simrad evo2

If you have upgraded your Simrad NSS evo2 to RTM3.5 or NSO evo2 to RTM4.5, chances are you've spotted the new TripIntel function. What does it do, and what are some of the benefits you can expect from it?


Simrad evo2 users tend to travel further and see more offshore blue water. TripIntel shows you everything you need to plan and manage your day on the water. It's simple to use, and much more responsive.


At a glance, the interface looks a little like this:


TripIntel interface


As you can see at the top, the interface is divided into two tabs – an Information and a History tab.


The Information tab keeps record of key trip information such as the route you've taken, how much fuel has been consumed, Tide information, maximum speed and distance travelled all on the one screen.


Meanwhile, your History tab saves past trips and keeps track of estimated fuel Range, total distance travelled, the route taken, Boat speed, fuel consumption and Current tides.


There is also a Cruise Performance Indicator widget which sits on your instrument bar, as shown here:


Cruise Performance Indicator


You'll be able to see how far you'll be able to travel with the fuel you have left, and optimise your fuel economy accordingly. This is achieved by fine-tuning Trim and throttle using the 'green zone'.


Along with TripIntel, the upgrades also offer StructureScan 3D and SonicHub2 capabilities.


So if you haven't taken advantage of this, why not enjoy the benefits? Some of the functions will require fuel sensors or interfacing into your existing engine management system, so if you haven't done this already, contact us now to find out how.


Bring your evo2 display in to our Collingwood store and we'll upgrade it for you for free.

You can also download the upgrade via these links:



For more information, feel free to get in touch with us at CH Smith Marine.

There is also a full run-down of TripIntel's features here.


TripIntel icon is located on the left.