Software upgrade for Simrad NSS

Simrad have released V2.0-38.134 software upgrade for their NSS7, NSS8 and NSS12 multi-function displays.


This upgrade will provide some great benefits for consumers including; enhanced StructureMap Support, an Adobe PDF viewer, an increased network support on the Ethernet network, added manual control, increased updated rate of internal GPS (from 1 times per second to 5 times per second), bug fixes and minor feature enhances, plus much much more.

  • StructureMap Support allows life-like images of lakes, rivers and seafloors to be seen above and under the water, by overlaying the SideScan images onto a Chart (requires LSS-2 option).
  • Adobe PDF viewer, allows you to store and view PDF files on your NSS. This could include documents such as manuals and fishing and weather reports etc. These are able to be stored onto a micro SD Card and inserted into the device.
  • Multi-networking feature allows multiple NSS Sport units to network up to six displays. This feature is most utilised on larger vessels where multiple units are required.
  • software upgrade also reconfirms the NSS as the centre of on board electronics, through its ability to control all AC devices. From Navigation lights to Autopilot, you will be fully in control through the one device.


The software and upgrade instructions can be downloaded below, or any unit sold by us can be brought back to our shop in Collingwood to be upgrade for free.


Software Download

Instructions/support material


Operator manual and Addendum